Episode 21 - Hosts Fran Chismar and Tom Knezick talk with Maura Duffy (Conservation Project Manager) from The National Aquarium in Baltimore, MD. They discuss what happens beyond the physical walls at the aquarium, what their mission statement and conservation goals are, the big picture on plastic pollution, and how you can help. Tom talks about one of his favorite Instagram accounts and Fran tries to sidetrack Maura by discussing music. Music by Stephen Mahar.

Follow The National Aquarium - Website / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / YouTube



Episode 22 - Welcome to The Buzz.  A new monthly segment where hosts Fran Chismar and Tom Knezick discuss a topic concerning native plants.  On this episode, Fran and Tom discuss their favorite books about native plants, books that are not directly related to ecology but share a common thread, and the books they are most excited to read.  Fran introduces the jingle to one of their newest features.  Music by Stephen Mahar.


Episode 23 - Hosts Fran Chismar and Tom Knezick talk with Carleton Montgomery (Executive Director) and Ryan Rebozo Ph.D. (Director of Conservation Science) from The Pinelands Preservation Alliance.  They discuss the unique importance of the New Jersey Pine Barrens, how this area effects local water quality, recreation in the pines, major challenges of protecting this land and how you can help. Music by Stephen Mahar.

Follow The Pinelands Preservation Alliance - Website / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / YouTube

Episode 24 - Welcome back to The Buzz.  On this episode, hosts Fran Chismar and Tom Knezick are back with another round of "That's Hot!", they discuss their favorite native plants websites and revisit our listener's favorite books about native plants, Tom gives his reasons why Fran is the cause for their first one star review while Fran agrees and adds more to the list.  Music by Stephen Mahar.

Episode 25 - Hosts Fran Chismar and Tom Knezick talk with Michelle DiBlasio (Watershed Restoration Coordinator) from The Nature Conservancy in New Jersey.  They discuss The Nature Conservancy on a local level, their successful Roots for Rivers campaign, the important work being done in the Paulins Kill with their partners at the Wallkill River Watershed Management Group, what's next and how you can help. Tom ponders names for trees and Fran unleashes his Million Dollar idea.  Music by Stephen Mahar.

Follow The Nature Conservancy of New Jersey - Website / Facebook / Twitter
Follow The Nature Conservancy - Website / Facebook / Twitter / YouTube 


Episode 26 - Welcome back to The Buzz. On this episode, hosts Fran Chismar and Tom Knezick are back with their first three listener questions left on their question and answer line. They also revisit native plants websites suggested by the listeners, there's a new round of "That's Hot", and Tom introduces their new segment, "This or That" while Fran introduces the jingle. Music by Stephen Mahar. Want to submit original theme music for The Buzz? Make sure you tune in to find out how.

Episode 27 - Hosts Fran Chismar and Tom Knezick talk with Claudia West (Principal at Phyto Studio) Co-Author of Planting in a Post Wild World.  They discuss the principals of Ornamental design and Ecological design and how the two can work together, listening to what plants have to say, what's next for the author and Claudia gives design tips for the budding native gardener. Music by Stephen Mahar.

Follow Phyto Studio - Website / Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn 

Episode 28 - Hosts Fran Chismar and Tom Knezick talk with Dr. Doug Tallamy (Professor of Entomology, University of Delaware) Author of Bringing Nature Home and Natures Best Hope. They discuss what has changed in the last 13 years since the publication of Bringing Nature Home, the root of exotic plant species and insects, accepting the role of a predator, and the urgency of growing a Homegrown National Park.  Music by Stephen Mahar.

Join A Homegrown National Park - Webiste

Episode 29 - Happy Thanksgiving!  Welcome back to The Buzz.  On this episode, hosts Fran Chismar and Tom Knezick are back and contemplate what native berries or nuts may have been at the first Thanksgiving. Find out who won "This or That," hear a new round of "That's Hot," Fran expresses his dismay over a listener call in and then surprises Tom with a brand new segment.  Music by Stephen Mahar.  Want to submit original theme music for The Buzz?  Make sure you tune in to find out how.



Episode 30 - Hosts Fran Chismar and Tom Knezick talk with Russ Furnari (Manager Environmental Policy Enterprise at PSE&G) from The Corporate Wetlands Restoration Partnership.  They discuss how big corporations give back to the environment, cooperating with non-profit organizations, working together for the greater good, and how the view of restoration has changed over the years.  Music by Stephen Mahar.

Follow the NJ CWRP - Website